The ELSO Red Book
Extracorporeal Life Support: The ELSO Red Book, 5th Edition, the leading text book of ECMO combining the expertise of hundreds of international researchers & clinicians, published by the ELSO is also available as eBook!! Do not wait! buy & download your digital copy to have always the Red Book in your pocket, easily accessible as & when needed, also at the bedside!
ECMO specialist training manual
The ECMO specialist training manual, 4th Edition, covering all aspects of the use of ECLS in all patients from neonates to adults, in patients with cardiac or respiratory dysfunction and with other conditions is now also available as eBook!! Do not wait! buy and download your digital copy to have always this ELSO book in your pocket, easily accessible as needed, also at bedside!
Manual de entrenamiento Especialistas en ECMO
Manual de Entrenamiento para Especialistas en ECMO, 4ª edición en Español! The ECMO Specialist Training Manual, 4th edition now available in Spanish!! both ebook & printed edition El manual de cubre todos los aspectos de las terapias de soporte de ECMO que involucran su aplicación en pacientes, desde recién nacidos hasta adultos. El uso de ECMO en pacientes con disfunción cardíaca o respiratoria y con otras afecciones también está cubierto a profundidad. Esta publicación está escrita pensando en los especialistas en ECMO y como una guía práctica para el uso del ECMO.