Global ECMO education & agenda for the future: read the ELSO ECMOed Taskforce position paper on Critical Care Medicine at
& prepare your questions/comments! a dedicated twitter chat under the hashtag #ECMOedPP will be held on Jan 9 2020, with all the ECMOed Workgroups representatives and members! at
9.00 -10.00 pm CST
10.00 – 11.00 pm EST
7.00 – 8.00 pm PST
4.00 – 5.00 am CET/3.00 – 4.00 am UTC/GMT (Jan 10)
2.00 – 3.00 pm AEDT (Jan 10)
Are you inexperienced with twitter & twitter chats?? in the picture some advices… do not forget to mention ELSO @ECMOed & add the official hashtag #ECMOedPP in all your replies, questions, comments!!
First authors Bishoy Zakhary @bishoy_zakhary & Kiran Shekar @kshekar01
Chat moderator Velia Antonini @foamecmo
Critical Care Medicine twitter account @CritCareMed
Here twitter handles of ECMOed members (alphabetical order!)
Ait Hssain: @AiHssain
Assad Sassine: @Assad_sassine
Bishoy Zakhary: @bishoy_zakhary
Cara Agerstrand: @caraagerstrand
Elizabeth A. Moore: @MooreElizabethA
Grace Bichara: @gracebichara
Guillaume Alinier: @g_alinier
Ibrahim Fawzy Hassan: @IbrahimFawzyHa1
Jae-Seung JUNG: @JaeSeungJUNG1
Jayne Sheldrake: @jaynesheldrake
Jenelle Badulak: @jenellebadulak
Jeannie Kukutschka @jkukutschka
Jose Alfonso Rubio: @joseAlfonsrubio
Kiran Shekar: @kshekar01
KR Ramanathan: @KrKrramanathan
Leen Vercaemst: @VercaemstLeen
Leonardo Salazar: @demotucordis
Lindsay Johnston: @lincjohnston
Mark Davidson: @MarkGlasgowPICU
Mark Ogino: @OginoMark
Peter Roeleveld: @pproeleveld
Simon Finney: @Simon_Finney
Velia Antonini: @FOAMecmo
Vitor Barzilai: @barzilaivs
Wallace Ngai: @wallacengai
ELSO/ELSO Chapters twitter accounts:
SWAAC ELSO @Swaacelso