Clinical characteristics of Covid-19

Clinical characteristics of patients with 2019nCoV (now properly defined by World Health Organization (WHO) Covid-19) in these 3 papers.

Data extraction on 1,099 patients with laboratory-confirmed #Covid-19 from 552 hospitals in 31 provinces/provincial municipalities through January 29th, 2020. Authors reported 5% of patients admitted to #ICU, 2.18% requiring invasive ventilation, and 1.36% death rate. Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation implemented in 5 severe cases (0.5%). Read additional data (detailed clinical characteristics, radiographic & laboratory findings, complications, treatment & outcome, distribution of patients across China), open access text. Note article is a preprint/not peer-reviewed.

Data from 138 hospitalized patients infected with 2019 novel coronavirus in Wuhan, China also published on JAMA, reporting 26.1% of cases transferred to the intensive care unit, 47.2% received invasive ventilation, 4 patients were switched to #ECMO support; overall mortality 4.3%. Open access text

Clinical characteristics of 137 2019-nCoV-infected patients from tertiary hospitals in Hubei Province, reporting no extracorporeal support (authors relate this finding to the fact that they reported about cases admitted to respiratory departments, with data from ICUs/other departments missing). Open access on Chinese Medical Journal.

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