Support & join ECMOCARD!

A global crisis needs a global response and global collaboration. In an unknown disease, ECMOCARD Study Group is coordinating with 26 countries across 4 continents to share data real-time.
With these data, we will use Artificial Intelligence to produce machine learning and feed back decision support to clincians who are currently “driving blindfold” in this entirely new and poorly understood condition.
Our best current asset is shared experience and global data to guide treatment today and tomorrow. But research needs to be supported!

Here a letter to the Political Leaders of Australia, signed by Professor John Fraser, Professor Robert Bartlett and by by all the regional Leads of the study (full list in the dedicated picture).
“The Covid-19 pandemic is an unprecedented global situation. The WHO calculates that between 60 and 80 per cent of the world population will be infected. This will place an overwhelming burden on hospitals in general, but specifically on intensive care resources. Never before have we seen this disease, nor its magnitude. We have no data on how best to care for our patients – specifically your parents. Without data, we are driving blindfold at 100 Km/h – with your relatives ir the vehicle.
Australian medical leaders realised the urgent necessity to gather key treatment information They stood up to this challenge – and created “ECMOCARD ” – the only global study to gather data or the ICU management of the sickest and most vulnerable patients. It is a great example of the globa medical community working as one- for the good of the global patients.
In representing the global ICU community, we respectfully and humbly ask the Australiar Government to align themselves with their medical leaders and take the leap. Support of the ECMOCARD global collaboration can assist the global community.
Australian Political Leaders should stand shoulder to shoulder with their Medical Leaders – for the sake of us all.

In these pictures, a list of the International ECMOCARD Study regional Leads (all of the have co-signed the letter), and a map with the active sites: the list is continuously updated, as more and more centers, in more Countries, are being involved, and join the study group.

We currently have 104 collaborating centres, and a further 7 sites anticipated to come on board in the near future. This is a fantastic effort on behalf of all collaborating sites and speaks volumes of the importance and clinical relevance of the data we are collecting (Sites map is superimposed to the online dashboard for tracking worldwide spread of the Coronavirus has been built & is regularly updated by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University; the map is freely available and constantly updated link).

Recently Professor John Fraser released an interview to Norman Swan for ABC’s Health Report and, discussing how intensive care specialists will deal with the influx of patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection. “We’ve got a global responsibility for our global community,” Professor Fraser said. Details about interview & full video here.

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