Critical care & ECMO in the era of COVID-19: why data matters

Critical care & ECMO in the era of COVID-19: why data matters! ELSO webinar, moderated by Dr. Robert Bartlett & Matt Paden, highlighting the current research underway focused on better understanding the impact of COVID-19, and the role of extracorporeal support and ICU care in patients with SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus infection. Topics & speakers: ELSO Registry … Read more

ECMO in COVID-19: What have we learned so far?

ECMO in COVID-19: What we have learned thus far? Lot of interesting topics & points of view discussed during this ELSO webinar, on April 22! Speakers & topics: Christian Bermudez & Holt Murray: regional coordination and collaboration on patients selection, cannulation, transfer, management strategies… Erik Osborn: successful ECMO support experiences, general management & procedures on … Read more

ELSO COVID-19 Guidelines

The ELSO – Extracorporeal Life Support Organization COVID-19 interim guidelines: a consensus document from an international group of interdisciplinary ECMO providers dedicated to ECLS in SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus infection related cardiopulmonary failure and applying to neonatal, pediatric, and adult patient populations. The guidelines cover 10 key areas: ECMO Organization Patient Selection and Timing of ECMO Initiation Cannulation Strategies and ECMO Initiation Ongoing Care on ECMO Weaning … Read more

ELSO COVID-19 Dashboard

The Extracorporeal Life Support Organization – ELSO COVID-19 Dashboard is now live! We are asking centers Worldwide to support us capture vital informations to assist in the fight against SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus: here a video with easy step-by-step instructions on how to quickly add data into the Registry! Key takeaways: Non-ELSO Centers contact [email protected] for CenterID and login Remember all … Read more

The power of connection

The power of connection: at a time when social distancing is a universal necessity, connecting as a healthcare community has never been so vitally important to keeping our patients & colleagues safe. This ELSO webinar focused on sharing experiences from around the globe that are currently in the surge phase. Highlights: Pearls from a COVID-19 … Read more

Current situation of ECMO use in Japan for COVID-19 associated ARDS

Current situation of ECMO use in Japan for COVID-19 associated ARDS: second ELSO webinar focused on the use of ECLS during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemics, run on March 30th. Highlights: case presentation of patient from Diamond Princess cruise ship requiring ECLS transport of patients on extracorporeal support coagulopathy on ECMO & more… Here full video, and the slides, available for … Read more

Preparing to support COVID-19 patients on ECMO

First Extracorporeal Life Support Organization webinar dedicated to the role of extracorporeal support in patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection, speakers: Michael A. Matthay, MD Departments of Medicine & Anesthesia Cardiovascular Research Institute University of California, San Francisco Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome – with Special Reference to COVID-19 A/Prof Kiran Shekar, Adult Intensive Care Services and Critical … Read more

Open access book: COVID-19 prevention & treatment

Open access book: COVID-19 prevention & treatment by First Affiliated Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine: three sections, infection prevention and control management diagnosis & management nursing… including an ECMO support for SARS-CoV-2 section: timing for implementing ECLS, configuration & settings, management, monitoring & complications: waiting for more data from ECMOCARD study! Thanks to the … Read more

Airways in COVID-19

Managing airways in confirmed/suspected COVID-19 patients Patients infected by SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus may develop severe pneumonia induced by COVID-19, eventually requiring invasive mechanical ventilation to support gas exchange; in these subjects, endotracheal intubation needs to be performed. Given the potential for aereosol/droplets generation, this procedure is one of the highest-risk moments for spreading the disease, and … Read more

ECMO in COVID-19, message from the ELSO President

Video transcript The Extracorporeal Life Support Organization, ELSO, is the global nonprofit organization for ExtraCorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO) and Extracorporeal Life Support (ECLS). We are working with our partners across the globe on the response to COVID-19 as it relates to the use of ECMO for supporting patients infected with the virus. We are relying … Read more