ECMOCARD study, the story

The ECMOCARD Study first steps, trying to understand provide best care to COVID-19 patients who need critical care in ICU, from local outbreaks of Novel Coronavirus, to global pandemics of SARS-CoV-2. December, 26 2019: 4 unusual cases of pneumonia reported at HICWH Hospital in Wuhan, China; on January, 21 2020, first draft: ExtraCorporeal Membrane Oxygenation for 2019 WUhan CORonavirus Infection The ECMOWUCOR Observational trial, with study protocol in Chinese, Korean and Japanese one week later. At the end of January, ECMOWUCOR has been linked with SPRINT-SARI, Short PeRiod IncideNce sTudy of Severe Acute Respiratory Infection, & ISARIC, International Severe Acute Respiratory and Emerging Infection Consortium. On February, 4 2020, study title & acronym changed to ECMOCARD, ExtraCOrporeal Membrane, Oxygenation for novel Coronavlrus Acute Respiratory Disease… Work is in progress!

Collaboration mandatory: join & support ECMOCARD Study involving (to date):
43 Countries
6 Continents
286 Collaborative Centers
15 Recruiting Centers
with 265 enrolled Patients
All Trial Documents available here.
Additional info & graphics available.
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