WHO Critical Care Training Short Course for SARI

The World Health Organization has launched a free open access course, the WHO Critical Care Training Short Course for Severe Acute Respiratory Infection (SARI), including content on clinical management of patients with a severe acute respiratory infection, intended for clinicians working in ICUs in low and middle-income countries involved in critical care management of adult and pediatric patients with severe forms of SARI, including severe pneumonia, ARDS, sepsis and septic shock, during outbreaks of influenza virus (seasonal) human infection due avian influenza virus (H5N1, H7N9), MERS-CoV, nCoV or other emerging respiratory viral epidemics.
Visit OpenWHO to enrol and take the course. Here a list of the topics covered by the course:
introduction to the 2019nCoV and infection prevention for patients with Severe Acute Respiratory Infections (SARI);
clinical syndromes and pathophysiology of sepsis and ARDS;
triage and early recognition of patients with SARI, with role-playing scenarios;
monitoring patients with SARI;
differential diagnosis, specimen collection and diagnostic tests for SARI;
oxygen Therapy;
antimicrobial therapy and its modification after diagnostic test interpretation;
how to deliver targeted resuscitation for sepsis and septic shock;
mechanical ventilation: how to deliver lung-protective MV in ARDS;
sedation: how to manage pain, agitation and delirium;
best practices to prevent complications;
weaning from mechanical ventilation;
quality in critical care;
pandemic preparedness and ethical considerations.

Additional details and enrolment at OpenWHO

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